Lyric discussion by EveryEmotion 

Cover art for When The Time Comes lyrics by The Classic Crime

"When the time comes put my feet in the water, it's not as warm as I expect Will I go down like a preacher's son, or will I come back up like a world war vet? Will I watch my brothers die, or speak true words into their lives? Will I hold them close and tell them why, the life they lead was sacrifice?"

Sounds like a soldier that goes to war, and it's not what he thought it'd be like. And he's wondering if he'll be able to spread the word while he's out there. Or the "soldier" thing could just mean the sacrifice that Christian's live. We live as soldiers, fighting against The Enemy. So in this life, we have to spread God's love as much as we can.

"I don't know much, but I know about love and how it hurts me to give up It hurts me to give up"

Love. God is love.

"When the time comes put my hands on the table, they are examined for that they are A long life line that's been cut short, by the road, the time, the battle scars Would I would give to be back home, where the sun sets over the water Someone save me from these preacher's sons, save me from their daughters"

The time he is talking about could be death. Going back over your life before you die. It's either dying in battle (figurative or literal). Home is either his actual house or in Heaven, with God. The last line almost sounds like he is saying these people are being hypocrites, so get me out of here!

"Still I don't know much, but I know about love and how it hurts me to give up It hurts me to give up"

"Why do we always say we're fine, when it's obviously we're lying? Why don't we ever tell the truth, what do we got to lose?"

Withholding the truth goes along with the premis that the song is about spreading the word of God, like a Christian soldier. I'm thinking more and more that battle and war, it's all just imagery.

I want to step back for a second to this line: "Someone save me from these preacher's sons, save me from their daughters"

It sorta sounds just like how the rest of the world is today: making fun of Christianity and shunning the followers who show a bit of imperfection. Going along with the Christian soldier imagery- that is who we are to people. We need to change that.


Maybe it's quite literal- the singer is saying Get me away from these people who pretend they're perfect. Those who think God holds them in higher regard. I'd like to hear if anyone has any other interpretations, especially on that line.

My Interpretation