Lyric discussion by breakingtjadtr 

This song is something that comes with a deeper understanding than someone just cheating on a boyfriend. It also ties into the emotional appeal of the couple having the affair. "Was this over before... before it ever began?" The guy in this song obviously has intense feelings for the girl. The dialogue in the first verse was an event that started something. Because in this affair, he fell in love with her, And she may have in return. But as they start to pursue their own relationship other than the affair, he realizes that things won't work because the foundation they built wasn't solid. Therefore he asks "Was this over, before it ever began?" Talking about their relationship. As he looks back and tells this story, he realizes that he never should have trusted her to begin with, because she wasn't the angel sent directly for him, "Like the devil's got your hand.." Meaning that his view on her is strictly now spiteful. If he was telling this in the present tense, he would not be talking about her as if she had the devil right beside her.. Because the narrator is not one that seems to be the "going after danger" type.

The second verse just generalizes the feelings of everyone not being happy with who they're with. Everyone who isn't happy is guilty of of doing this. Thinking they would/could be so much happier with someone else. It's just whether or not they pursue the action while in the relationship with another that makes the action "moral" or "civil" in the majorities eyes.

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