Lyric discussion by musicmojo81 

I've read most of other people's comments but wanted to put my opinion in as well. I feel like Stills isn't just talking about a single thing in the song. The first part up to "nicely making way" is his travels on his boat, enjoying life.

Then he recalls calling a lost love in Avalon, then realizes (again) why it didn't work out twice before.

The chorus is powerful though:

"Think about how many times I have fallen. Spirits are using me, larger voices calling." What heaven brought you and me cannot be forgotten. I have been around the world, looking for that woman-girl who knows love can endure. And you know it will, and you know it will."

He's sailing around the world, looking for that love that will last. In my own experiences, I have had several broken or otherwise dysfunctional relationships, but I still believe that love is worth it, and maybe like him - I continue to explore and seek out love, possibly in all the wrong places, but I still try nonetheless. And maybe he has second thoughts, I'm sure we all do.

Like another poster said, I think Southern Cross is a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere and is symbolic to the time he shared with this woman.

Finally, I think Stills tries to make his boat allegorical to the music he writes and sings, as he's so gifted at doing. It helps him through the tougher times of having love and lost.

Outstanding song

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