Lyric discussion by clarcorona 

All I can ever be to you Is a darkness that we knew And this regret I got accustomed to

<b><i>She is remorseful that all she'll be to him is a bootycall.</b></i>

Once it was so right When we were at our height Waiting for you in the hotel at night

<b><i> When they were at their most hot and heavy (euphoric and/or intense) stage their sneaking around felt right for her. She would eagerly wait in a hotel for him to sneak out on his significant other in the middle of the night.</b></i>

I knew I hadn't met my match With every moment we could snatch I don't know why I got so attached

<b><i>She knew he wasn't the right man for her but she still fell for him anyways and didn't know why.</b></i>

It's my responsibility And you don't owe nothing to me But to walk away I have no capacity

<b><i>She's been through the affair/jumpoff/bootycall/mistress position before and takes responsibility for falling for him though it was supposed to be casual. She knows it was just no strings attached but she couldn't believe he just dropped her without a second thought and/or explanation </b></i>

He walks away, the sun goes down He takes the day but I'm grown And in your way, in this blue shade My tears dry on their own

<b><i>She thought of him as the highlight in her life that made her happy and when he walked away she became depressed. But she keeps telling herself she's an adult woman who's been through this and she will dry her own tears. </b></i>

I don't understand Why do I stress the man When there's so many real good things at hand?

<b><i>She has a tendency of chasing away men because of her neediness and probably clings on or starts fights.</b></i>

We could have never had it all And we had to hit a wall So this is inevitable withdrawal

<b><i>She recognizes that this was a relationship that was going nowhere because he wasn't going to leave his wife or significant other. She also recognizes that men are addictions for her and she's going through withdrawals from her latest failed situation.</b></i>

Even if I stop wanting you A perspective pushes through: I'll be some next man's other woman soon

<b><i>She realizes that if she moved on from him she would end up in the same situation. She has a cycle of always being the mistress and never the one and only.</b></i>

I cannot blame myself again I should just be my own best friend Not fuck myself in the head with stupid men

<b><i>She's done beating herself up and realizes she needs to love herself rather than look for love in all the wrong places...

The rest is self-explanatory</b></i>

He walks away, the sun goes down He takes the day but I'm grown And in your grey, in this blue shade My tears dry on their own

So we are history Your shadow covers me The sky above, a blaze

He walks away, the sun goes down He takes the day but I'm grown And in your grey, in this blue shade My tears dry on their own

I wish I could say no regrets And no emotional debts Cos as we kiss goodbye the sun sets

So we are history Your shadow covers me The sky above, a blaze lonely lovers see

All I can ever be to you Is a darkness that we knew And this regret I got accustomed to

<b><i>She is remorseful that all she'll be to him is a bootycall.</b></i>

Once it was so right When we were at our height Waiting for you in the hotel at night

<b><i> When they were at their most hot and heavy (euphoric and/or intense) stage their sneaking around felt right for her. She would eagerly wait in a hotel for him to sneak out on his significant other in the middle of the night.</b></i>

I knew I hadn't met my match With every moment we could snatch I don't know why I got so attached

<b><i>She knew he wasn't the right man for her but she still fell for him anyways and didn't know why.</b></i>

It's my responsibility And you don't owe nothing to me But to walk away I have no capacity

<b><i>She's been through the affair/jumpoff/bootycall/mistress position before and takes responsibility for falling for him though it was supposed to be casual. She knows it was just no strings attached but she couldn't believe he just dropped her without a second thought and/or explanation </b></i>

He walks away, the sun goes down He takes the day but I'm grown And in your way, in this blue shade My tears dry on their own

<b><i>She thought of him as the highlight in her life that made her happy and when he walked away she became depressed. But she keeps telling herself she's an adult woman who's been through this and she will dry her own tears. </b></i>

I don't understand Why do I stress the man When there's so many real good things at hand?

<b><i>She has a tendency of chasing away men because of her neediness and probably clings on or starts fights.</b></i>

We could have never had it all And we had to hit a wall So this is inevitable withdrawal

<b><i>She recognizes that this was a relationship that was going nowhere because he wasn't going to leave his wife or significant other. She also recognizes that men are addictions for her and she's going through withdrawals from her latest failed situation.</b></i>

Even if I stop wanting you A perspective pushes through: I'll be some next man's other woman soon

<b><i>She realizes that if she moved on from him she would end up in the same situation. She has a cycle of always being the mistress and never the one and only.</b></i>

I cannot blame myself again I should just be my own best friend Not fuck myself in the head with stupid men

<b><i>She's done beating herself up and realizes she needs to love herself rather than look for love in all the wrong places...

The rest is self-explanatory</b></i>

He walks away, the sun goes down He takes the day but I'm grown And in your way, in this blue shade My tears dry on their own

So we are history Your shadow covers me The sky above, a blaze

He walks away, the sun goes down He takes the day but I'm grown And in your grey, in this blue shade My tears dry on their own

I wish I could say no regrets And no emotional debts Cos as we kiss goodbye the sun sets

So we are history Your shadow covers me The sky above, a blaze lonely lovers see

He walks away, the sun goes down He takes the day but I'm grown And in your way, in this blue shade My tears dry on their own

<b><i>She wishes she could be ok with this but she regrets getting involved and giving her heart. They're over and his memory is a shadow that overwhelms her into a deep depression. She is alone. </b></i>

Your interpretation is so spot on, especially your final comment. Your detailed summary hits every point.

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