Lyric discussion by comus 

"she" is beauty. as any beautiful woman knows, they exist within the shadow. they are a beautiful woman long before they are a human being on any level. and it goes the other way too. one who is ugly will also live within the shadow of beauty, though as something cast aside for a better thing. also the sad beauty that populates noir films. a vine that can strangle the life from a tree. these women are beautiful and because of it have been thrust into situations that suffocate them. beauty is a curse, drawing all attention, good and bad, and also scorning everything around it that's less beautiful, simply by being. i read that the band was unsure of this song and felt it had misogynist tones, but i wholeheartedly disagree. it feels like an objective view (of beauty) which belongs to someone entirely occupied with his own shit and, (this is incorrect, but it gets the point across most easily.) ironically, making himself beautiful.

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