Lyric discussion by stevecn70 

I could be way off but I think this song has to do with the continual destruction and rebirth in the universe in that our planet, sun, solar system was created inside a star that eventually died and went super nova ("fires from which I came") The reason I say this is because every heavy element was made this way. Our sun is only massive enough to create everything up to Carbon. Every heavier atom in your body was forged in the core of a massive star(s) that eventually blew up and eventually converged into smaller stars (our sun) Eventually our sun will engulf, burn and destroy the earth. If by chance our sun is absorbed by another star to become a more massive star then our atoms will be recycled and then blown out across the universe again. Possibly creating new stars and planets. I think this song is a spirtual look at that process. We were created with fire, we will be destroyed by fire and then creation will continue.

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