Lyric discussion by AndrewVS 

Just want to say this because it was so obvious to me, yet it hasn't been said:

The song is about the gradual progression of a mother's dependence on addictive pills, but in that light, it shows just how any addiction gets out of control. In the first verse, she's taking pills just to ease the pain a little bit. Nothing is too substantially impacted, though it is alluded that she does not need to take the pill ("she's not really ill").

Then in the second verse, it begins to show he she has progressed in addiction to the point where she no longer is as excited about being a mother. Dinners begin to suffer and she rationalizes it as being tired and getting old. In the first verse, she was taking one pill ("it"). In this verse, she is taking two ("two").

In the third verse, the addiction has progressed to the point where she is now detached and unable to love. She is now taking four pills a day. In the final verse, she no longer has any attachment to life whatsoever and only cares for her high. She is now taking more than four pills and eventually overdoses.

It is a very dark song and really shows just how quickly addiction can spiral out of control.

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