Lyric discussion by bunktrunkskunk86 

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the relationship between Damian Rice and Lisa Hannigan (the female vocalist) so far. Obviously the demo was made way before they were involved but, with the eight year age difference and an apparently quite volatile relationship, there are some definite hints of life imitating art! Hannigan was still a teen when they met, think she was just out of music college, and he was already a seasoned musician. She was enthralled by him and the success and the chemistry between them, which is visible in live performances. The reason behind the split was that after some time she wanted felt entitled to a little more musical input and control and Rice wasnt willing to give her that. She had grown from being this besotted girl who went with his decisions into a a self possessed woman. I dont thine either of them knew how to handle the shift of dynamics and thats why the professional and emotional relationship broke down, and to this day Damian Rice regrets letting it happen.

“I love her so much. And I love her so much that I love that she hasn’t spoken to me–because even in that I have learned so much over the last two years.”

So sad because they are both incredible artists

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