Lyric discussion by slam 

The song documents an imagined friendship between the narrator and the poet Robert Graves (a frequent subject of songs by Blyth Power). Charterhouse is an English private school, where Graves was educated.

The song suggests a college friendship, but in fact Graves did not go directly from Charterhouse to university, enlisting instead in the army to fight in the First World War.

One of Graves's close friends during his time at Oxford University (where he eventually went after being badly wounded in the war) was T.E. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia"), who is also the subject of a Blyth Power song. It's possible that the narrator is intended to be Lawrence.

The line "Four things better than all things are" is a variant of the first line of a couplet from Kipling's "Ballad of the King's Jest", which reads "Four things greater than all things are/Women and Horses and Power and War".

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