Lyric discussion by TheSmashBro 

I think that this song is about a prisoner of war, and his experiences as one from when he is captured, to the time he's released.

"While he's preaching to the choir, And that choir is death and noise."

This seems to be calling for help when he is being capture, but no one helps, or fails to help successfully.

"Well you sit in dark forests, You've been there for quite a while. And when they come to take you, You just sit and smile."

He's been imprisoned for a while now, and he's possibly going to be executed. There's nothing he can do, so he just smiles.

"Oh it's time to leave here, And I still have my knife, And it's pressed up against my body, Tonights gonna be the night.

And I cut my own wrist, just to see if I exist."

He's been rescued and/or released from the P.O.W camp. He causes himself pain by slitting his wrists just to make sure that he's still alive.

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