Lyric discussion by johnmayerismylife 

Okay, Im a guy,

I just made an account to write about this song. This song is great, its my life. In the beginning, Mayer talks about how a girl he likes is just like a maze, walls all continually change. Mayer is talking about girls without dads.

Dads are not given enough credit. They care SO much about their daughters, they drive them everywhere, buy them huge birthday gifts, buy them cars, and then their daughters leave the house without ever saying enough thanks. But dads are so important. John Mayer says in the song: "You are the God and the weight of her world"

This line explains that girls without dads, or with dads that dont put all the effort that most dads do, don't grow up ever to be the same. This relates back to the girl Mayer talks about in the beginning, who didn't have a good dad.

In the end, he talks about how daughters turn into mothers. Those mothers have to be good to their sons, because those sons become fathers. And the cycle repeats....

Nice..and the cycle does repeat (usually, although outside influences can change a person for the good or bad). But to say that all fathers care for their daughters is sadly not true. I have worked with abused women (who were once little girls) and I have had friends whose husbands abandoned the family for other women; men; and the single lifestyle (the grass is always greener complex). The song, to me, is about taking care of those we love, especially those we raise. If a father is an excellent role model for a female child, she's more likely to demand...

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