Lyric discussion by Rofur 

Although the meanings of most songs can be interpreted as “boy loves girl”, “boy misses girl”, etc., the beauty of this song lies in its simplicity. The song itself personifies the season of summer as a female. The artist attempts to show the pain and longing that is felt when summer fades away.

The song begins by describing how the changing/falling leaves signal the end of summer. “Watching the green give into gold” (color change), “Gravity begs for one final kiss” (falling leaves).

Then, as the cold comes so do traces of snow, “As laces of white fall to the ground.” That small action of falling snow sends a clear and painful message that she (summer) is gone, “The softest of sounds for the heaviest things, and the pain that it brings.”

“As one thing leaves to become another again,” once again, the season of summer has faded and will turn into autumn; this is most clear in the month of October.

There is no need to interpret the rest of the song, since its simplicity allows us to easily enjoy it.

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