Lyric discussion by DubbaEwwTeeEff 

Onliberty and mtamerson already have this down pretty well, but I wanted to draw attention to some of the lyrics. "Doomed to face the dark alone, 'til vicarious perfection dearly won was made our own" - That has to be the most poetic and beautiful reference to the sacrifice of Christ I have ever read or heard. Vicarious perfection is obviously referring to the perfection of Christ as God made human; that perfection was "dearly won and made our own" through his sacrifice for humanity, which washes away sin in Christian theology. Through the sacrifice of his perfection, we are made more perfect. Incredibly poignant and well-written.

However, I must confess I don't totally understand the "sons of insurrection" line. Maybe referring back to original sin, inherent wickedness and turning away from God? Insurrection is a term for violent rebellion and strife... It doesn't quite seem to fit with that interpretation but it's teh best I can think of. Anyone else have an idea?

I think the use of "insurrection" draws from one of the points of Calvinism-- total depravity. Because of the Fall, man is completely incapable of choosing to love God by his own nature. The Fall totally affected every part of man's being-- his motives, feelings, desires etc. and as a result, man chooses to serve himself. And being a son doesn't have to be a literal son-- just one who has been influenced by something particular. In that regard, I think mankind could be considered "sons of insurrection," because although we're created imagio dei and as part of God's orderly creation,...

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