Lyric discussion by hschaf 

I'm having difficulty believing that this song is merely about two people's first encounter and the progression of their relationship.

"You said, "See, look, that's yours! Stacked on top with your brother's See how the resemble one another Even in their plastic little covers"

This portion of the song strongly indicates a previous relationship between the two, likely through the "brother". My interpretation is that the woman is in a relationship with the brother, and due to the fact that both brothers have donated blood, the woman is terminally ill.

"That secret that you know But don't know how to tell It fucks with your honor And it teases your head But you know that it's good girl Because it's running you with red"

This part of the song is fairly straight forward. They two clearly have feelings for eachother but the relationship between the woman and the brother is the source of the "honour being fucked with" and the fact that the secret is being kept regardless of the obviousness of their feelings.

"Then the snow started falling We were stuck out in your car You were rubbing both of my hands Chewing on a candy bar

You said, "Ain't this just like the present To be showing up like this" As a moon waned to crescent We started to kiss"

Definitely my favourite verse of the song... the tone of the song fits so perfectly to how I picture this. Two tortured souls in the dark and cold of winter, trapped together in a situation where their feelings for eachother can no longer be kept a secret.

"And I said I know it well That secret that we know That we don't know how to tell I'm in love with your honor I'm in love with your cheeks What's that noise up the stairs, babe? Is that Christmas morning creaks?"

The secret that they initially hid from eachother has now become a secret they hide together (specifically from the brother). The part where he states he loves her honor and loves her cheeks (her blushing, a metaphor for the love she has for him) address the previous verse where he pointed out her hidden feelings fuck with her honor but she's full of love (running her with red). I take this as their feelings are still there but she stayed with the brother and kept her honor, but still blushes (again, a metaphor for her hidden love) when he is around. The christmas morning part has me a bit baffled, but here's how I take (might be a bit of a stretch). This indicates time has past since their moment and that the woman has overcome her illness. They are having another late winter night together, but this time its at the home of the woman and the brother... the sound of the morning creak would be the brother and their children waking up for christmas morning.

thanks. ivers lyrics are usually deeper than surface level. probably why i have great difficulty figuring out their meaning

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