Lyric discussion by EMTWB141 

I think this is about life. I'm going to use a comparison that may or may not have been intentional, but in the bible, Paul in Corinthians says that life is a race and we should run the best race. To me, this is likening life to a race. Anything positive you do leaves an imprint on the world. You affect people, places, things. And then when you do something else, its saying you're doing it on purpose. The third step (or thing you do) is saying that you're dedicated to doing this, and the fourth step is pretty much saying you've set a pace. It also talks about believing in Jesus and Heaven as inspiration, because it's real and what he knows. The one concert video I saw of this song, the singer even points up while he sings it. To me, this song is someone who sees life as a race, he's focusing on God to get him through because God and Heaven are the rewards (and helping hand to get through), and he's doing as much possible to make a difference in the world for the best.

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