Lyric discussion by Alieno 

I understand this song was written about political behaviour. Nonetheless, as it happens with many songs with open metaphores and general meanings, it can be easily translated into any meaning. And since we're most of all sexual beings, of course that love is one of the most popular subjects for this song to be read into. besides, political ground is a fight ground, just as love is. I think that's why River Wolf and Dogmanstar interpreted it as a song about a relationship falling apart.

In that context, I take this song as a description of a very insecure man who thinks the woman he loves will leave him, that everybody cheats, that love will always end early, that love is always a fight, that love (as Joy Division said) will tear them apart, that he can trust nothing. He just have found a woman who is not willing to get into those games. She's not dumb nor simple. She's wise and she knows relationships are hard-working enterprises, but she has no intention to get into those mindgames, she knows nothing about those painstaking questions to oneself and doesn't care about them. But she likes him all the same, that's why she awaits for him in bed ("so she made her bed"). From then on, she will just sit and wait. He loves him, but she's convinced that all that internal fight has to be won from the inside.

He thinks he's doing things right, that talking is the way to sort things out with her. He doesn't realize that he has to sort things out with himself. That's why he believes he's wasting his time trying to talk sense to her.

So she combs her hair. She THINKS he tires easily. But he will never stop running around. Certainty is not something you find on the world. You find it inside yourself. It's only that Johnny doesn't know it.

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