Lyric discussion by jweyek 

Each verse begins with a reference to an innocent time in the past, a time in which the person she's talking to had it right. But, the person lost his connection to the real meaning of life, even though he fell into the right way to live by the accident of birth. What is the meaning of this life we are living? Love. Connection. Togetherness. Community.

He sought, instead, the glorification of the Ego. He gave up the innocent pursuit of love and connection and togetherness and community. He wanted to separate himself from others, to be one-up on others.

But that is a false, untrue, wrong pursuit. And it always ends in failure, and sadness and suffering and disappointment. That's the way the cornbread crumbles. That's how a false search for meaning ends. The only meaning in this world is Oneness, Connection, Love.

I totally just came to the same 'conclusion,' shortly before I read your comment. Eerie.

Great minds think alike? ;)

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