Lyric discussion by heygirlsname 

This is absolutely effing genius. My favorite part is the "the blue-balled anti-masturbator, the great, all-loving faggot hater". I love how it's clear that not many people understand what he's saying, or the message he's sending. The world needs more Atheists like Bo. This is by far his best song.

First of all, Bo's Catholic. But what I personally see in this song is he's not making fun of christianity, he's making fun of all the people who go to church every sunday and pretend to understand everything about God and religion in general. Either way, great song.

...actually he's an atheist. He has said that in numerous interviews.

That's not exactly fair. I'm a Christian and I still agree with everything he says. That may be, however, because I'm Anglican and my minister is a lesbian so we're pretty chill. I'm just saying you don't have to be Atheist to appreciate what he is saying.

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