Lyric discussion by Rio03 

I disagree with "readmedotexe" on this one completely; these lyrics definitely need explaining. My interpretation is the following:

  • The first verse is explaining the pain he has inflicted on others (women) in his past. He's been able to do so thus far without feeling pain himself and no one else (cops) can notice it.

  • The second verse is when he illustrates the pain that his actions are finally causing him; it is beginning to catch-up to him (a continuation of what is explicitly expressed in the hook)...

The premise of the songs ends up being him wanted to shed his past, and his old "self" to a certain degree, and start anew. The notion of cleansing his sins and starting new as a re-defined man is evoked through the use of the baptism metaphor. The car/lincoln town car is used to parallel himself and/or his body driving (traveling) through life. He has held this in for so long and it is now time for him to shed his past and look for something completely different by becoming someone he aspires to be.

But why is there so much drama in the way he expresses going to the ocean Rio03. I think he knows he cant change his ways, so the only way to heal is if he is dead. Watching the video he ends up at a cliff and below there is so much rock. "THERE IS NO CLEANSING THERE! JUST DEATH".

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