Lyric discussion by fnava21 

Someone might have already mentioned this, since I have not read the comments, but I think it's about an outside perspective of "God".

So Cobain could have been thinking, "Hey, what if God is a little kid with a jar, and we are all those insects that He wants to make happy so He's happy too?".

Think that we're little crickets or ants (weak creatures), trapped in a jar (life) with holes poked in so that we can breathe (religion, or that little faith we can barely experience here, while there is a world outside of the "jar" full of this "oxygen" or God's faith, love, or whatever you want to call it) and we're owned by this selfish little boy (God) who takes happiness in seeing you suffer and dig your way out of the grass (problems) you've been covered in. Then, of course, we continue to praise this boy for "saving us" for keeping us in this "jar" when in reality we have "saved ourselves" (see first line) and go on to conform Him and make Him happy.

What I'm clueless about is what this "laundry room" where the "jar" rests is.. is it the whole Universe? Does the "jar" actually signify Earth, and the laundry room is the Universe? Maybe..

That goes on to show the actual darkness and uselessness of a God who makes people "happy" so He's happy.

That sounds like a pretty deep and spot on meaning, but I still disagree with it.

I have no idea what this song really means, but if it means this, then that is upsetting. I don't see God torturing us to make him happy, life is made out of bad AND good things.

thanks for nice interpreation; seem it has relation with life, culture, religion, God, save salvation etc.. according to the clip made by Krist; lots of symbol about it..

@fnava21 God doesn't want us to save ourselves or even try to because he knows we can't do it alone, that we need him as well. So really, your interpretation makes no sense.

However, examining it from the perspective of Satan, it makes perfect sense. For Satan is the current "lord of this world" (see "Lord of this World, Black Sabbath, see "Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down, Robert Plant's Band of Joy).

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