Lyric discussion by VANESSAA 

Cover art for Sailing On a Ship lyrics by Phil Wickham

A simple song about being on a path in life where you face problems, but you just keep going to reach what God has promised.

This is what I get from the lyrics: "A voice is on the wind. It calls me further in. I'm heading deeper into Your heart." God's voice can be heard speaking to his heart. He's becoming more what God wants and finds himself surrounded more and more by God's love.

"Your mark is on my chest. My sails filled with your breath" Chest to signify his heart and God's mark is on it. God's breath fueling his boat throughout his life.

"You guide me by the light of the stars" This reminds me of the shepherds being guided to baby Jesus; how God finds many ways to guide us.

"I'm sailing on a ship that's bound for life. I wrestle with the wind against the tide. I leave it all behind to reach for more. I'm sailing onto Your golden shore" He's on a path he chooses so he can live rightly, even though there are things (the wind) that make it hard. He's leaving the meaningless things and the struggles to gain something better: God's promise to him of eternal life, or in more immediate terms, the best person he can be on this earth.

"Though skies go blue to grey. And I'm thrown from wave to wave. You still will hear these lungs singing hard" When things go from good to bad, in the midst of struggle, he'll still be hopeful and will continue to praise God.

"With every storm I face I find a greater grace, That pulls me deeper into Your heart" God uses the bad things in life to make people who believe in Him, believe even more as they witness His grace.

"I'm sailing on To where the water's running sweet and bright. The sun is rising in the eastern sky. I leave it all behind to reach for more. I'm sailing on to Your golden shore" Here, it comes across to me as the things he keeps on his minds to motivate and encourage him to keep "sailing on" into God's love and eternal life.

From the first moment I heard this song, it touched me. It's about being optimistic and not losing sight of your goal.

Song Meaning