Lyric discussion by DaysBetween 

Attics is a very spiritual song, almost hymn-like in its presentation, and in its lyrics. I'm not a very spiritual person myself, but nevertheless I've always found the song enthralling. If I'm not mistaken, I've read a Robert Hunter quote that this song dealt with the concept of "grace". My personal interpretation of the lyric is that it's about creation. That God created us from nothing. The closing lines in each stanza (if that is the proper poetic term) seem to signify this:

When there was no ear to hear, you sang to me

When there were no strings to play, you played to me

When I had no wings to fly, you flew to me

When there was no dream of mine, you dreamed of me

Other potential symbols include the book of love (perhaps the bible), and the secret space of dreams, when the secrets all are told.. is that heaven? At any rate, that's how I see the song, kind of a companion to Ripple, another spiritual Hunter lyric. :)

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