Lyric discussion by heartsandcrossbones 

I don't understand why everyone is so obsessed with the cannibalism bit, when it only appears in the last verse of the song. Yes it's a big part of the song but it's not what the song is as a whole, so you can't say "this song is obviously a metaphor for cannibalism" because they use cannibalism as a metaphor to stress another point in the song.
The song is actually formatted like a "five paragraph essay" if you will. In the first verse they bring about the point that we are brainwashed and are a herd of sheep/cattle that have been branded by corporations with slogans such as "Happy Meal." Basically we are owned by them Then they talk about how we are being brainwashed both by media and by religion, and that both outlets are being used to gain control of us. Then in the third verse they continue the point that the "church" owns us with allusions to heaven (the great place we'll end up if we follow "God's" rules) and ribs (In the creation story Eve was created out of Adam's rib i believe). Throughout in the chorus when Destroy X is talking about the how "you" should trust her when she says she needs surgery, she's saying that our trust in the corporations is what allows them to take control of our minds. In the last verse the Angelspit uses cannibalism as a metaphor for how the corporations feed off of us. When we are brainwashed and sedated it is easier for them to take advantage of us, take our money, and "eat us alive." The whole 100% part of the song makes me think of when something loads on your computer. It starts at 0% and then works itself up. So basically they are saying that we are computers and the brainwashing virus that "the man" has installed into all of us has been 100% transferred and there is nothing we can do about it. I mean I could be wrong about some things, but I overall that's what I got from the song.

Excellent interpretation, in my humble opinion.

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