Lyric discussion by jp101 

To all the "loss of faith" interpretations, I enjoy your interpretations. However I found a slightly deeper meaning to this song. Originally I agreed with you whole heartedly, however my view now has an a slight adjustment. This song represents a "temporary loss of faith." Dave sings the he dreamed he killed God, then WOKE UP. As past people have mentioned he was originally angry at God for taking away various family members of his. This drove him to want to, metaphorically, "kill God". After he does so, however, he "wakes up." The dream world he was immersed in no longer exists, because he has killed the God of that world. In other words, without God (using, of course, the purest sense of the word), there would be no existence. Dave is describing to use, in a very elegant way, how he originally hated God for "taking" his loved ones, but then realized the necessity of death. His realization that blaming a creator for such an event is self-destructive. In the song God begs, "please please no dont." This is God trying to plead with the currently wrathful Dave that he doesn't know what he's doing, and is simply acting on a negative emotion, wrath. Another strong piece of evidence is looking at the first and last lines of the song. The progression through the song is metaphorical of Dave's progression through his emotions. He first "dreams he kills god" out of rage but in the end he is "dreaming of him" once again. Thanks for reading!

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