Lyric discussion by btanner17 

Awesome song. This song is kinda calling for people to wake up and realize what we're doing to ourselves. Everyone. Don't join society. Find a way to screw over industrial capitalism until enough people join in and the whole thing falls apart. That doesn't mean don't make money necessarily, although in my mind the endpoint is the end of money. But make money, find out who or what these corporations represent, and dont give them any money. Simple. They control what you think. If you're not aware of it, that's because they make sure of it, and because your thoughts are being controlled. Not a crazy theory, its the truth. Watch a documentary, i'd recommend anything on the media, or about Monsanto, or about the military industrial complex. Messing with our minds, getting rich wasting our time. bill hicks is the man. built to spill are the men.

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