Lyric discussion by Spartan3500 

ok who's with me that this song is about someone's experience on DMT? let me provide some support here:

geometric patterns are the most common effect hallucinated while on DMT. that fact that the "dress" is gleaming white also lends itself to a hallucination. also DMT is a substance which cause such intense experiences that it is natural that "as old as [he gets he] will never forget it at all" and that it will always be "just as [he recalls]." that is the strongest support for my claim, but the rest of the song is interesting when applied to this theory

Innisfree is a recurring theme and what is Innisfree? in the real world it is a lake of some sort in ireland. however in the poem which popularized Innisfree by William Butler Yeats it is an imaginary utopia that encompasses all the desires and dreams an individual has. it emphasizes a natural existence based in agriculture, of which robin pecknold is fond. so this Innisfree is where the person is during his DMT experience. and while he is there, the sirens are his sheer joy and pleasure at the experience. they are literally "driving [him] over the stern" of his existence, as he wants to reach their island (Innisfree) faster than his ship (reality). he didn't know something so beautiful could exist.

there is also a lot about borrowing, taking, returning, and this resonates with my idea about being in and out of reality. in the sense of this DMT experience, he borrows reality, taking it with the expectation not to return. his experience also validates this because he does not necessarily want to return, he's at his Innisfree. however all that is good must end and he does in fact return his reality, and the disparity between reality and his reality are great and probably upsetting. he is now left with a debt; a debt both to his body because he has "borrowed all [his] life" so the substance has taken a toll on mind and body, and ultimately his existence (soul) for ever having known and loved Innisfree. it's not real and but yet it still haunts him, and it's not easy for him to look back on it. and in a dual sense the sirens of real life are driving him out of his mind. he cannot put up with the inferiority of reality and longs for Innisfree

woooo i enjoy this interpretation. let me know what you think

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