Lyric discussion by Splerb 

Man this shoots through you like an ice cold bolt of lightning. Talk about the ultimate break up song. For a long time I thought this was about Lyle and Julia but came out before they were hitched so it’s just his poetic imagination but man did he nail the feelings and emotions. This song really shows his roots in traditional "Carter Family" original country music complete with a dramatic drowning at sea. To me it’s a non-linear story. Most of the song is a memory of him proceeding where he knew it was unwise and then bam he looks up and she is across from him at the kitchen table. She doesn’t have to say a word but he knows it’s over…she’s already made up her mind, before she even tells him. He has gone through this ending and is ready for it and he sees through the flimsy excuses and knows in his heart of hearts that if it’s yes it’s yes if it’s no it’s no and if it’s maybe…if it’s maybe then it is over. But just as knowing that a loved one is going to die from a terminal illness; when it actually happens it still hurts. His knowing that he is about to be dumped doesn’t help…in the end if he can’t be with her…to whom he has a line connect from his heart to hers…he would rather drowned in the unfathomable sea… Who can’t relate to the longing to have a friend “…remember me to her…” Yeah that’ll show ya. What a song…it only takes a slightly second to North Dakota from Joshua Judges Ruth.

@Splerb I think he has already committed suicide over the break up. The lyrics are the note left. The clue is that he has asked to be carried to the boat, out to sea and slipped gently over the side To be buried at sea with the last request that the friend tell the woman what has happened.

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