Lyric discussion by Misericordia 

It's funny when people get so mad over different interpretations of the lyrics. But I won't digress into that discussion.

There is much sadistic/masochistic imagery in the song. Whether it is literal or not... there are sexual overtones (This is an objective statement, as evidenced by "lust" being likened to a gun). Whether it's about lovers, or rape, or an abusive relationship... that's up to the listener of the song to decide. All we can know is what the writer has to say about the song in interviews and I'm not enough of a tryhard to go look for interviews about this song.

From my interpretation... 1) the cutting of the mouth by stuffing it all in, refers to sticking the entire phallus into ones mouth causing damage to the integrity of the oral cavity. 2)Losing his head and being unable to make the partner "come" or "cum" meaning they are unable to reach their orgasm... which is often a problem for masochistic or sadistic people; unless there is pain involved. 3) The lust and desire for "kinkier" for a lack of better words becomes figuratively like a gun. The singer is implying that there then needs to be pain or destruction in order for the lust to be satisfied.

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