Lyric discussion by RushAss 

The last line in the second verse is wrong.

"But once so strong survive or become weak" should be "But one so strong so long becomes weak"

I've always loved this tune and thetrooperr pretty much nailed it. I can't believe that anybody could think that this song glorifies death. "That legend's born from death and that is such a shame" doesn't smack of glorification to me.

@RushAss This is all very interesting. I have wondered for so many years what Rob was actually singing in the line you mentioned, RushAss, and now I know, I can tell that your submission of the correct lyrics are indeed correct just by listening to this song in my head. The one word I always knew was incorrect is "survive" - it's so clearly obvious that Rob does not sing the word "survive" anywhere in that line - yet that is just exactly what I see written in these song lyrics from every last source that I have ever been...

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