Lyric discussion by Roontang 

I think that this song describes an impossible relationship between a boy and girl who have polar opposite personalities and attitudes to life.

The boy is represented by the moon. He's a dreamer, he's sensitive and loving, his view of the world is 'magical', full of mystery and intrigue, which may explain his affection for the girl. She's represented by the sun, burning bright with intense emotions. She appears stubborn, pessimistic, protective of oneself and defensive.

Regardless, the boy sees past her fiery exterior and knows there is a kind hearted person inside. He wants her to be open with him, he wants to show her that it is possible for great things to happen in life, and that they could share happiness together. He wants to 'cure' her bitterness by showing her love ("if you give me your broken heart, I will give you something real and golden")*.

I'm guessing that the lines where the boy describes holding and kissing the girl etc are the fantasies running through his head, rather than what is actually happening. He wants to do these things with her, but out of self defence she won't let herself get close enough to anyone for it to happen.

My two cents! -Roon

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