Lyric discussion by DevMinor 

The speaker is involved in a crash and is facing mortality. Lines like “you will go where you’re meant to be” and “nothing is better than getting out fast” make this sound like suicide. It could be about someone committing suicide via car crash to reach what they believe is the afterlife; they feel they have nothing else to live for and, if destined to end up in a certain afterlife, wants to get there faster.

The line “what would you risk to rescue me” is interesting. It could be asked to a paramedic, of course, or even to a person that the speaker was close to. But it could also be asked to a bystander. This brings to mind a sort of heroism: who would risk the danger of getting someone out of a car crash? Perhaps that is the person that the speaker here is looking for. Thus, it could also be about isolation and looking for human connection.

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