Lyric discussion by deadtree3000 

I have read everyones opinion on the meaning of this song and I would say that with any good song you can find lyrics that have dual meanings but evyones seems to be right or close. I belive everyone agrees that is it defenitely a new age song.

  1. All previous EMP comments were on i belive but also here you have to remeber that at the base of new age everything has energy to include people so maybe at some point people are to reach christ like characteristics. maybe this is the EMP?
  2. The time analog piece could refer to two things also. The belief is that frequencies are emitted and these children are able to hear them and that is the voice that they hear in refrence also to the rythem of the moon and tide like a beautiful song.
  3. sirus venus are representations of the female spirtual role/mother of these children who are being taught that it is ok to have fun, be yourself and through this you will learn to grow together around the same center of life. 4.Wine song food shelter ..... all these things are the things mother earth is telling the indigos that she can provide for their needs so they dont have to follow the old world ways.

This was quick and general. This was

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