Lyric discussion by ryanv12191 

i think this is a love song about a girl he falls for.

"The optimist that died in me awoke to the pale blue in your eyes"

sounds like hes saying he had pretty much given up hope on everything until he met this girl.

he goes on to talk about how everyone has demons, like things they regret in their past, possibly alcohol abuse because alcohol is mentioned in a lot of this bands songs of all of their albums, but hes saying maybe for her he could fight it.

"So show me, give me half a chance to be for you the person that I buried deep inside."

hes saying if she gives him a chance he will go back to how he used to be before what ever happened that killed his faith in the world happened. he will be the optimist he used to be.

"something about you says its not too late for me, too late for me to come clean." i definitely think hes talking about alcohol abuse

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