Lyric discussion by caucasian 

This is part mythical and part reality-based. The myth is of rock music and how some young girl springs from some sort of messed up, pain filled background but blessed with creativty and emerges out into the world in order to give all the hungry music fans (regular people around the world who need this stuff to survive) all around the world what they need. It's magic what she's doing with this mythical group. The reality is there are a lot of really cool people that for whatever reason have a lot of personal problems, many times it's related to how they live their life a little different in seeking out the fun of it all, they might be a little disheveled and disorganized but there is another part of them in which they are extremely organized and that is when they are doing their 'music'. At different levels, these are the Steely Dans of the world. That's them or it could be quite a few others. Maybe Little Richard or the Stones or Miles Davis. The legends. It all really sprung up from the cotton fields of the South.

This also has to be about redemption, and I like how it is 'imagined'.. Fagen gets at it in a way where you get the real sense of it, the sense that we are dealing with redemption, but not necessarily the happy movie type where it really happens for all to see.. the sense where it is in the girl's imagination and recollection of past glories. A jaded sense of redemption and triumph.

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