Lyric discussion by HEYBeenTryingToMEETyou 

This song is terrific, but man, I get such a nauseating feeling from it, like this underlying secret, or nightmare. I used to get nightmares which would wake me screaming, and in a way this song could refer to childhood fears- 'the fits and the screams', but I don't know if it's just me but theres something horrible about it. As if the problems the girl(? I can never tell genders, especially as often he sings from different perspectives- another aspect of Casiontone for the Painfully Alone that I love) hadn't been solved- 'what ever happened to you/only the worst can be assumed/you're dreaming often of the attic room' There is something so emotive about the way he sings, slowly and with this weird mix of nonchalance and intensity- it really draws you in, forces you to listen hard.

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