Lyric discussion by mrkpwnz 

Cover art for Sense, Sensibility lyrics by AJJ

I've been mulling over the "sodomy and buggery" line for a while and what it might potentially mean, anyone with me?

I think it could easily mean that each time he tries to look inside himself, he's only finding the ugly parts. It's interesting to see how the song progresses. You can notice the tone shift from a hopeful/positive one to a very negative one. I think these negative feelings get to him on such a level that he's not even able to look in himself for inspiration or guidance.

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@mrkpwnz He's gay. Society views homosexuality in a generally negative light. This song has a lot of reference to heaven and hell, and it seems to be him trying to fit the Religious Perfection Ideal (as you see mentioned in the jesus line), but is unable to find attraction as he needs to fit in. The girl with broken wings is probably a lesbian, or at least someone he can ally with because they both are unable to fly up to heaven. Either way, he's looking for a friend in someone as damned as him.

@mrkpwnz He's gay. Society views homosexuality in a generally negative light. This song has a lot of reference to heaven and hell, and it seems to be him trying to fit the Religious Perfection Ideal (as you see mentioned in the jesus line), but is unable to find attraction as he needs to fit in. The girl with broken wings is probably a lesbian, or at least someone he can ally with because they both are unable to fly up to heaven. Either way, he's looking for a friend in someone as damned as him.