Lyric discussion by Clayton262626 

This song is not against or for religion..."i dont know" IDONT KNOW! he does not know! no one does is what he is saying. He is saying that he is giving up the thought of what happens when you die because people will never know ( well at least in our life time and science currently ).He is saying he is not sure if there is a god or after life or a renew of life... he is saying HE DOES NOT KNOW...simple lol why are you guys over analyzing. HE IS SAYING EITHER COULD BE RIGHT AND HE GOING TO LIVE HIS LIFE ANY WAY THERES NOTHING HE CAN DO ABOUT IT OR CHANGE IT!

Tool's vicarious is another example of this lack of care for will happen and can not change! humans nature to fight and be kill each other of dislikes or survival!

Your debating that..

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