Lyric discussion by orangemuffin 

this song is about scott weiland beating his own dick

take a load off - jizzing all over the place like a boss

yeah set us free - scotts skeet skeet talking to him during pre ejaculation

yeah its alright - good masterbation session but not as good as yesterdays

drive around waste gas and haul - waste gas as in jack off for fun and waste your jizz like it aint no thing

as we mosey on into the night - scotts having a conservation with someone and the person wont stop talking and its irritating scott and making him pissed bc he just wants the person to shut the hell up so he can go jack off

give you more and more - scotts cock is going dry so hes giving it more and more lotion

this song totally makes sense now! thanks!

this song totally makes sense now! thanks!

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