Lyric discussion by clouds1 

everyone was pretty much dead on. i personally would have never guess thats what it was about.

"Another track on the new album called "It's Working" seems to explore the same topic."

Yeah. It was the first song that we demo-ed almost a year ago. Ben [Goldwasser] and I went up to this little cabin in the woods in upstate New York, and the second I walked in the door I sat down and played this chord progression. The next day we expanded it into a song. Lyrically, it's about doing drugs. I didn't realize it until now, but it's kind of funny, because the first song on our first album was "Time to Pretend," which was about the imagined rock star scenario. So, "It's Working" is like, "Yeah, we went out there and we did a lot of drugs and it's not that great." The song is mostly about Ecstasy.

Is there any specific experience with Ecstasy that influenced that song?

No, not really. But that's how we envisioned the track when we were writing it. It stops and starts a lot; it's frantic, confusing. There's also a surfing thread throughout the record. When you're surfing, there's a specific break you're paddling to. And when the waves are really good you say, "It's working." The song kind of has a surf-y vibe. It's like surfing on ecstasy. Which is what the "Time to Pretend" video is like. Actually, the video is more like surfing on acid. -Spin interview with Andrew

i lovee this song already. as soon as i heard it, i was pretty much hooked.

MGMT is known for their druggy feel in almost all of their songs, but Its Working makes it clearer than anything. So clouds your right about the drug reference in the song but i dont think it is about ecstasy or acid...but rather meth or heroin or something. The reason i say this is because when he talks about the isles of tiny bruises and signs of aging...thats not ecstasy, if anything it really sounds like meth to me but i could be wrong.

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