Lyric discussion by Nemesis1908 

Spiritualfish was on the right lines as I also think its about drugs. Many songwriters write about substances, comparing or singing about them under the false pretence of a woman. The most famous example is obviously Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. This song however, I believe is about salvia. The name 'Silvia' is the most obvious giveaway, however: "Met a man barside with eclipses for eyes" could be hinting at dilated pupils, another effects of substance abuse.

"and its all my fault for not getting off so you made it stop cant you make it stop" This verse clearly hints at his addiction problems.

"circle round the room still breaking my will know I cant have you here someone else on your skin" These few lines are about Salvia's effects on the writer, line three specifically is about how the writer knows what he is doing is wrong and wants to stop this habit. Line 4 is about how when you are under the influence of salvia, it's not you but the effects that are taking control.

excellent thought, right or wrong its still excellent.

lucy in the sky with diamonds was actually based off a drawing by lennons son

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