Lyric discussion by relic12 

Nytstalk, generalizing an album like deadwing is worthless.

Anyways, this song is in the perpective of a person who, like many, had a bad experience with male-to-female interactions in their childhood (Did something in my past create a hole?) which left them desiring sexual pleasure in the place of brotherly interactions with other males. In modern society, its much simpler and easier to communicate with females via the PC (It's easier to talk to my PC). This particular person, though, is, along with being only particularly attracted to females, extremely shallow. He wants to have relations with women only if he is impregnating them (No good to me, not if you bleed). Also, this person is so good at manipulating women that he is practically surgical (Scissors cutting out your anger). This comes at a price, however, and this person doesn't have any real male friends, likely because he considers them a distraction to his relationships with women. (No friends to mention, No distraction, nowhere to go). I can't be positive that this is the correct interpretation, because you never can with PT, but it fits the lyrics extremely well.

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