Lyric discussion by ynotbor 

Restless widow in the dark Carelessly looks for a spark Near the trap fate rears its head No hesitation, victim dead Just from the start it's the end

There is something more going on here. Black widow spiders kill their mates. That is how they got their name. The spider that crawls up the wall is male but somehow has the eggs. If black widows kill their mates after mating, then this spider is not a black widow. From the little research I have been able to do about spiders, reading about them makes my skin crawl, I do not know of any males that carry the eggs. Perhaps the males are responsible for making the web where the females live - I dunno.

I believe the song is speaking of the fear of death. Vipers and spiders are commonly feared by people and play a large role in the lyrics. The song seems to be saying that you can try to prevent death by watching for vipers and poison snakes, but then a damned spider can still get you and those are much harder to see. You can live in fear if you choose, but there is too much too fear for that to do you any good.

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