Lyric discussion by indieJay 

Like the previous two commmentors I cannot help but to think about Siddharta and Buddhism. Especially this part:

"i wanted to live the life of a prince because I thought saints were born saints"

It kind of reminds me of Siddharta when he was living the life of a prince before he left and saw the pain and suffering of the world.

Also this part:

"heralding a stage where consciousness is higher"

Maybe this is about reaching nirvana or the highest state in Buddhism?


"i looked in the dirt and found wisdom is learnt through a costly process of success and failure"

To me this is when Siddharta left and he saw the suffering of his native people and he saw that his purpose in life was not to be rich and be a prince but that he would have to learn wisdom through a process of success and failure and he would become Buddha.

Idk, these are just thoughts.

Definetly one of the deepest and most powerful and moving songs there is.


I too believe that this song is about Siddhartha I like how you posted this to help bend my brain around the concept... Thank You

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