Lyric discussion by skoolyd 

The one story I'm getting when I read the lyrics is that there is a prostitute who won't leave him alone. And she can sense that he's single/alone because she sees him often. Haha. It's not like me to think like this, but that's all I can come up with.

"Hold out your hands, Oh such little hands" Talking to the woman, could possibly mean she hasn't worked hard in life, or saying "Hold out your hands" so I can pay you.

"Lie to your man, Stay wise to the plan" Referring to a pimp, then telling the woman to do her job and find another man who is actually interested in her.

"I want you in the wrong way", "There's your dealer on the corner", "Cuz what you got is what you need", "So you need me for the wrong things"... Just read the lyrics, haha. Only my interpretation, I could be way off.

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