Lyric discussion by islandcow613 

this song is so beautiful, especially with taylor singing it.

there is someone special and i feel so connected to him. im "caught up in you". only thinking about him, and its so sudden too. first he was a good friend, someone funny and fun to be around and all of a sudden " a million little stars are spelling out his name". it just hit me.

its not so much that he is unattainable but that i thrive on his actions toward me.

"untouchable, burning brighter than the sun. and now thats youre close i feel like coming undone" when they are close, its so hard to get it together because its like my breath is taken away by how amazing he is. its that gooey feeling in you knees you get when youre around someone you love.

and its real. hes only amazing to me, i see beauty in him thats invisible to others

i feel so close to having him but then at times it feels like hes a million miles away

so beautiful.

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