Lyric discussion by noname1 

[I burn and melt and stick and fade]

Your life has fallen apart, and the pieces of it have sat for a while.

[Your temporary arms invade]

Family/friends are coming to offer you financial support. They welcome you in with open arms...

[One of many last warnings]

This isn't the first time you've been in a situation where you've needed their help. They make you feel like this is the last time their assistance will be available, similar to how they made you feel last time.

[Cannot wipe the conscience clean]

You feel guilt and embarrassment. It won't go away.

[The stain wears in The stain wears in]

The things on your conscience remain, your situation does not improve.

[You -hoard- me in again]

The ones who are helping you are keeping you contained, through control or mind games. You cannot escape their assistance because there are circumstances attached to it that make it hard to improve your situation and get back on your feet.

[Cannot connect the smirking world]

Everyone appears to be smirking with confidence, a quality you could never find in yourself.

[The poison flowers come uncurled]

All the evil that they have stored up is being released.

[If i believe If i believe If i believe i'm dreaming]

Especially when you believe things are good.

[And if they find you lost again What will you tell them then]

Can we face them if our life falls apart again? How will we explain ourselves?

[Collapsing in again you found What makes it sore You triggered off the feelings That you felt before]

You're remembering all the negatives that come with accepting support from others. When things were good, you forgot how evil and controlling people could be. Now you're reminded.

[I come crawling up again I need to eat I need a friend Someone with me Someone with me]

We've failed to get our life together once again. We're giving into the lure of that support system because we have to fulfill our basic needs.

[No better feeling than escape Avoid the feeling so you're...]

We would like to escape, but we can't... so we'll stop thinking about it

[All the guilt pulls away If only forever All the guilt pulls away If only forever]

Sometimes things seem fine and we accept our situation. We don't feel so guilty relying on these people for support. This is only temporary as eventually they will make you feel guilty.

[Replace the name Replace the fear]

Doesn't matter who it is that is giving you support, there is always some sort of negativity attached to it.

[And i can't come out But i want you here]

You're secluded in the space you've been offered.

[I'm laughing now]

Sometimes things are fine -again-

[And then it floods]

But the negativity never fails to return.

[But not out loud]

And we never say anything to them about it.

[I come crawling up again I need to eat I need a friend]

We're way over stepping our welcome this time.

[I feel you up And feel you down]

You feel like you're violating them in every possible way by asking for help.

[I need your space I need it now]

You're so used to asking for help that this time around you're a little out of your mind. You're not happy about needing their help again and you're having an even harder time pretending that you actually appreciate it.

[Another circumstance has gone And shut you down]

Something out of your control has disabled your ability to support yourself again.

[Another fear awakened in The fault you found]

Endless loop. Another fear as the result of your life falling apart yet again. Whoever we go to for help, there will always be some negative issues. They will never fail to make you feel uncomfortable or worthless.

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