Lyric discussion by ipsilonv 

"Hello, although I'm a static Zero. I'm fighting all your wars, While you dwell in your hypocrisy You think the world is fine, When all the evil's overlined Before you wake up this morning..." -This line confuses me a little. Is he talking to the zeroes (followers) or to the leaders (ones)? what does he mean by "fighting all your wars?" I think it might refer to the zeroes being the hard workers in the follower-leader relationship this song presents. In this context, it would say that the leader is not necessarily evil, but just naive. Since it says "You think the world is fine, when all th eevil's overlined." The other way of looking at it is that he is talking as a zero to zeros, saying that they are being naive. But then why would he say "I'm fighting all your wars?"

"Well, hello there, you're the local superhero? Your stronghold's but a paper bag, We suffer for your promised land Excuse is really thin, Hide your revealed Achilles' heel... Before a new brave morning... -Here he is talking about the leaders (ones) that he refers to, as superheros or little superheros. He talks about how flimsy their foundations and ideals are. I think by Achilles heel he refers to the idea that their deceptive ways used to attract the zeroes are really clear, so they try to hide these faults in order to keep their control.

"All you little superheroes, Fall short without all them zeroes A pie in the sky is your brave new world," -Here is where he compares the ones to "little superheroes" meaning that they promise good things but do virtually nothing. He talks about how without the followers (zeroes), the leaders are nothing. A pie in the sky I think refers to a childish and selfish ideals that these leaders have.

"And so powerless are thy miracles..." -This just says how little the leaders actually do, even after all their promises.

"Ones, they walk before the rows of O's, And soon it dawns on them, how to make billions..." -This is a key line I think. It's referring to the leader sort of character(one) that realizes that followed by all the zeroes he can make billions. Billions being money, which could be translated as power.

"Dream up a world, oh how powerless are thy miracles... I'm so tired to fight you The Sun is, oh, so desperate to set tonight, Ashamed to light a lie..." Again it refers to the empty promises, and the "powerless miracles", which are basically the little things that are actually done by the leaders, which pale compared to their original promises. "I'm so tired to fight you" <- not sure what this means. The last line is self explanatory.

"These people win elections, empowered by you! These wars are never ending, acceptance just mind-bending" -This one is quite clear. The second part though, could be taken several ways.

"It's a conspiracy and as always the end is here We were born that day... This destiny wrote us a life we now waste away Waste it away, do it today..." -Not 100% on this one.

"My life is fine, so why would I care... Because it's not my ass, per se, on the line." -This is why the first line confuses me. This one seems like its using "Me" as being the Leader, but in the first part, he talks like a zero. Either way it works, since all it says that the reason for why the system is working like it is, is because people keep having the attitude of "since I can't feel the effects, I don't mind"

Well, that's my take on the song. In the end it's not too important, since we all interpret songs differently. The ultimate point is: this song is awesome.

I honestly think the term "zeroes" has a double-meaning. It's both the people used to the ends of the "Superheroes" described in the song, and "zeroes" as used colloquially to imply ludicrous amounts of money.

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