Lyric discussion by bwenner 

Definitely allusions to The Odyssey. Circes, Calypso, the Sirens, etc., but the protagonist mixes in his own stories of women. The Odyssey is an epic story of wanting to go back home... This is a man who has had several failed relationships and wants to go back to that one woman who he realizes he loved. (and don't it make you wanna get right back home)

Unlike Odysseus, it seems he can't go back to her. I think this ties into the theme of DLD with people who are somehow sleeping or comatose and their struggle to find something romantic and heroic in the world or in themselves and wake up. The protagonist has gone through all of these life events with women, ending poorly for both him and them, but with the detailed descriptions of how he has somehow hurt or damaged them and left this trail of negativity behind him.

The protagonist here has become disillusioned and sees that he only wants to "go home" to his own Penelope (read: Odysseus's wife), but he cannot or hasn't been able to because of his own blinding pride. The lack of self-awareness seems it ties into the idea of the helpless/hopelessness of not being "awake" and not being able to experience life completely. A sad tale of common destructive character flaws watered by the world we grow up in. "We are each our own devil and we make this world our hell." - Wilde

To tie into the narratives of the trail of women that the protagonist leaves behind, in the music video, there are various portrayals of broken/disillusioned women within this sort of objectifying atmosphere. We are shown how the various women are in a post state of hurt in some way. The men are all intoxicated and the women are all putting on fronts, all the story same of his "adventures", while Cave is up on stage preaching his realization.

Interpretations are all subjective of course.

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