Lyric discussion by DreadSpliff 

"The disciples con to render his sons Evoking the fear of creator Throughout modern times Ancient dated lies have controlled our lives You're no shepherd"

Basically saying that the " Disciples " Evoked fear of God into people for many years, Religion taking over our lives and making people live their lives according to god through Ancient Lies ( God, Jesus and Biblical Stories )

"Stand on your own To see them dethroned This tyranny I have disowned Falsified gospels Slain the apostles Don't live your life as their drone"

Saying people should stand on their own beliefs not on what they were taught to believe and " Dethrone " religion from the top beliefs, The last 3 lines of that verse are basically saying Dont live the way the apostles wrote it down in the bible, kill them from your thoughts and prove the gospels fake

Basically the song is about Religion being a Complete Lie

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