Lyric discussion by JSBach 

Hard to tell for sure, but here are a few suggested corrections with the changed or added words listed in CAPITAL LETTERS:

1st stanza: "I couldn't empty out my head OF the serious questions"

2nd stanza: "NOW I only wish I could FORGIVE"

3rd stanza: "Why'd you STEAL WHAT YOU SAW? Why'd you STEAL WHAT YOU SAW?" (Only 90% sure about this line, but it's definitely not "yourself")

4th stanza: while the first part about the glove might be correct, I don't hear "remove" -- instead, it sounds like a long "E" sound, not the "oo" sound in "move". The stain part might be right, or it might be "disdain", but this remains the most undecipherable line and will probably require Joe himself to iron out,

Final stanza: "seemed to eat my LIFE away"

Definitely in the Top 5 of SMB tunes. Thanks for sharing.

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